After decades of well-founded alarm about global warming (interspersed with a few warnings of an imminent ice age), climate experts admitted last week that all…
Although viewers of the recent debate claimed that Robert Frances O’Flannigan McGregor O’Rourke–known as “Beto,” for reasons that remain a mystery–was dodging questions about gun…
Always eager to prove their dedication to freedom of expression, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has come out in support of some controversial comments made…
SpongeBob SquarePants, once considered a shoe-in for Bikini Bottom Prime Minister, is doing damage control after pictures surfaced showing him in a white sheet at…
In an apparent effort to become the New York Times of network television, ABC recently aired what it erroneously claimed was footage of Trump personally…
In a rare move for the selective fact-checkers at Snopes, they recently bestowed upon the entire New York Times–including all past, present, and future articles—their…
Taking a brief hiatus from campaigning for Bernie Sanders, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield have decided to sabotage their own economy for a fun change.…
In a week full of award upsets, Gucci watch model Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is reportedly the latest casualty. An inside source says the Lifetime Achievement Awards…
In an incident that FBI sources say is unprecedented in the history of the machine, a lie-detector apparatus hooked to Elizabeth Warren exploded and caught…
After Twitter users erupted in fury over a picture of Right Twix and Left Twix sitting in shameful harmony at a football game, Left Twix…