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Putin briefs TikTok stars on state-approved artistic expression

In yet another attempt to control the information his subjects are allowed to access, Russian President Vladimir Putin “had a friendly and completely consensual little chat” with the young people prone to using the service as a creative outlet.

As he had with other platforms such as Facebook, Putin and his press secretary, Jensakov Psakorikov, worked closely with TikTok and its users to help them willingly remove wrongthink and undesirable speech. 

The companies and their clients responded with gratitude. And in a follow-up joint press conference, the affected CEOs and users said clearly, into the camera without blinking, that they were “thankful” that their government administration had prevented them from sharing information that could prove detrimental to the heroic pharmaceutical companies, weapons manufacturers, and media moguls on which we all rely.

Editor’s note: Although the incident described in the preceding article did apparently occur, our source has clarified that it was actually the Biden administration that “corrected” the expressions and opinions of young artists. We apologize for the confusion between the two similar administrations.

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