In a brave show of tenacity, Jussie Smollett continues to fight for justice after being harassed yet again by what his lawyer calls “irritatingly competent” police.
The Smollett saga began when he courageously staged a theatrical street performance in Chicago to bring attention to bigotry. Selflessly using his acting talents to bring about social change, Smollett braved sub-zero temperatures to perform a “hate crime representation” to an audience of nobody but himself (and one unfortunately situated security camera). And although he has sought not to bring attention to himself throughout the ordeal, it is reported that he even risked a Subway meatball sandwich–possibly with costly extra cheese–in his performance.
Smollett later discussed the outcome of his theatrical endeavor with Chicago police, clearly with only the intention of starting a productive conversation about social issues. Inexplicably, the police immediately began an investigation into the incident. Showing the kind of bigotry that one would expect from the conservative city of Chicago, they have since continued to dedicate precious time and resources to harassing him for his good deed.
And shockingly, they now want Smolett to pay those costs.
Smollett’s lawyers have rightfully referred to the whole city of Chicago as “vindictive,” and they have vowed to get the attention off Smollett by any red herring necessary. They have tried bringing up the Chicago crime rate, mayoral campaign corruption, and even the trial of fellow bigotry victim R. Kelly, but all to no avail. “They just won’t stop doing their jobs,” says Smollett forlornly.
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